The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Wisconsin

The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Wisconsin is a fun, easy-to-use guide for anyone interested in seeing and identifying birds. The book features 86 of the most common and important birds to know, with species organized by color for ease of use. Do you see a yellow bird and don’t know what it is? Go to the yellow section to find out. Each bird gets a beautiful full-color photograph and a full page of neat-to-know information―such as field marks, calls/songs, a range map, and Stan’s cool facts―that make identification a snap.
Fun bonus activities for the whole family, such as building
a birdhouse and preparing your own bird food, make this
a must-have beginner’s guide to bird-watching in the
Badger State!
As a kid, author Stan Tekiela spent hours of enjoyment watching birds come to a wooden feeder that his father built in their backyard. They were the only family in the neighborhood who fed birds, and they became known as the nature family.

Now, more people feed birds in their backyards than those who go hunting or fishing combined. Not only has it become very popular to feed and watch birds, but young and old alike are also identifying them and learning more about them.
Wisconsin is a fantastic place to see birds. In fact, more than 400 species are found here! That makes it one of the top states where you can watch an incredible variety of birds.

There is a wide range of habitats across Wisconsin, and each supports different kinds of birds. The major habitats include forest and aquatic environments, both of which are widespread in the state.
Wisconsin also has lots of deciduous forest habitats! Here, leaves fall off the trees each autumn. Birds that prefer this habitat are often bright and colorful, and they build nests in leafy trees.

Wisconsin also has a fair amount of coniferous forests. The trees here are evergreen, with green needles staying on the branches throughout the year. Conifers attract other types of birds, many of which migrate out of Wisconsin in the winter.
In addition, there are a lot of ponds, rivers, and lakes, not to mention the biggest of all lakes in the United States, the Great Lakes. The aquatic environments are home to a wide array of ducks, geese, shorebirds, and more.
Check out Stan’s other birding books for kids:
- The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Minnesota
- The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Michigan
- The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Florida
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Hi Liliane
I just read your guide for birds is very helpful, and I find a lot of information about the birds in your article too.
Do you feed your birds with dried mealworms? dried crickets? or dried black soldier fly larvae? Because that food offers very high protein for all types of birds, especially in the winter. And very easy to attract more bird in the backyard.
Liliane Opsomer
Thank you for your interest in our book. The author told me that he does indeed I use dried mealworms but has not tried using dried crickets or fly larva. All three are fine. Just use either one, as it mostly depends on what is available in shops that provide bird food.