Solitary Sandpiper Breaks Rules

Stan Tekiela loves the diversity found in nature. He also really loves the rule breakers—the critters that don’t seem to follow the rules that we people think they should. Here is the story of what Stan encountered while leading a workshop to photograph black bears...

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Learn About Spiders of the United States & Canada

Readers will improve their identification skills and learn more about spiders and their webs with Dr. Sebastian Echeverri’s Spiders of the United States & Canada. Many of us know spiders through their immense cultural impact—in traditional mythology, modern media, and ongoing research into super-strong materials and...

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Get to Know Your Caterpillars

How many times have you seen a caterpillar and wondered, “What in the world is that?” Caterpillars of North America by Jaret Daniels provides an easy-and-fun way to identify them. It features more than 90 of the most common, widespread, and readily observable caterpillars in...

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Of wolves and men

Of Wolves and People

Wolves are a symbol of all things wild. Stan Tekiela, author of Wolves, Coyotes & Foxes: Symbols of the Wild, tells us about the changing relationships between wolves and humans. Few animals in the wilderness elicit such strong emotions in people as the wolf. Wolves are...

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