The Beauty of the Wildflowers of Arizona

Arizona is a great place for wildflower enthusiasts! From its high mountains with cool pine forests and refreshing streams to its driest and hottest deserts, Arizona is home to a unique variety of wonderful blooms. With Wildflowers of Arizona by Nora Mays Bowers, Rick Bowers,...

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Learn About Spiders of the United States & Canada

Readers will improve their identification skills and learn more about spiders and their webs with Dr. Sebastian Echeverri’s Spiders of the United States & Canada. Many of us know spiders through their immense cultural impact—in traditional mythology, modern media, and ongoing research into super-strong materials and...

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Get to Know Your Caterpillars

How many times have you seen a caterpillar and wondered, “What in the world is that?” Caterpillars of North America by Jaret Daniels provides an easy-and-fun way to identify them. It features more than 90 of the most common, widespread, and readily observable caterpillars in...

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