Christmas Gifts that Instill a Lifelong Love for Reading
Taking time to read to your children must find its way to the top of your “to-do” list every day. Here is a selection of our children’s books, guaranteed to be much-appreciated Christmas gifts.
Goodnight Great Outdoors by Lucas Alberg is a gentle, calming story celebrating the wonders of the great outdoors by saying goodnight to nature. The book is beautifully illustrated by Megan Marie Myers and is also available in board book format.

Wildlife photographer and naturalist Stan Tekiela will make kids laugh while you read Whose Baby Butt? From fuzzy to feathery, baby animal butts are the silliest sights in nature. This hilarious book is the perfect companion to Whose Butt?, an acclaimed picture book by the same award-winning author. And while we are on this fun subject, don’t miss Stan’s Critter Litter: See What Critters Leave Behind. Stan’s book Can You Count the Critters? helps young children learn to count and recognize iconic, adorable animals at the same time. His latest book Whose Track is That? shows kids how to recognize animals by the tracks they leave behind.

Stan Tekiela teamed up with Marion Dane Bauer for Jump, Little Wood Ducks, Baby Bear Discovers the World, and Cutest Critters, a Mom’s Choice Awards® winner. Together with Ryan Jacobson, Stan produced Super Animal Powers: The Amazing Abilities of Animals and What Eats That?, a book about predators, prey, and the food chain.
Stan Tekiela recently started a wonderful bird identification guide series for children, and books for the following states are already available: The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Arizona, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of California, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Colorado, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Florida, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Georgia, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Michigan, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Minnesota, The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Ohio, and The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Texas. In the works for 2022 is The Kids’ Guide to Birds of Missouri.

Christie Gove–Berg thrills readers with true stories of rescue and rehabilitation with her best-sellers Maggie the One-Eyed Peregrine Falcon, Esther the Eaglet, and her latest book Greta the Great Horned Owl, a tale of an injured owl’s recovery and return to nature.

Our regional Backyard Science & Discovery series features hands-on science projects for children, such as raising native caterpillars, starting a rock collection, and attracting moths and other insects with an ultraviolet light, plus more than a dozen fun activities to help make hypotheses, observe nature, and learn about the world around us.

Choose among seven region-specific workbooks that include California by George Miller, Midwest by Brett Ortler, Northeast by Susan D. Schenck, Pacific Northwest by Robert Niese, Rocky Mountains by George Miller, South by Erika Zambello, and Southwest by George Miller. They are complemented by the Insects & Bugs Backyard Workbook by Jaret C. Daniels, and the Rock & Minerals Backyard Workbook by Dan R. Lynch.

Tweens and teens will love Rock Collecting for Kids, in which Dan R. Lynch, author of many field guides, presents a children’s introduction to our amazing Earth. In his book Fossils for Kids, Dan gives helpful tips for collecting fossils and an introduction to paleontology. Insects & Bugs for Kids by Jaret C. Daniels covers everything creeping and crawling and includes an introduction to entomology.
James Kuether’s The Amazing World of Dinosaurs will spark the imaginations of children and adults alike. Last, but certainly not least, Sophie’s Night Sky Adventure by Jonathan Poppele will keep your children awestruck as they discover some of the best-known constellations.
For the little tykes on your gift list, consider these fun board books: Paws & Claws, Peepers & Peekers, Floppers & Loppers, and Snouts & Sniffers.
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