Discover Birds of the Carolinas
Learn to identify birds in the Carolinas, and make bird-watching even more enjoyable with Stan Tekiela’s famous Birds of the Carolinas Field Guide. His book features 140 species of North Carolina and South Carolina birds, organized by color for ease of use.

This new edition includes more species, updated photographs and range maps, revised information, and even more of Stan’s expert insights.
Here are some amazing birds to watch out for:
The Ruddy Turnstone winters along the coast. Also known as Rock Plover, the bird is named “Turnstone” because it turns stones over on rocky beaches to find food. It is also known for its unusual behavior of robbing and eating other birds’ eggs.
The Ruddy Turnstone hangs around crabbing operations to eat scraps from the nets. Females often take off before their young leave the nests (fledge), resulting in males raising the young. The Ruddy Turnstone feeds on aquatic insects, fish, mollusks, crustaceans, and worms.

Did you know that the Osprey is the only species in its family, and the only raptor that plunges into water feet first to catch fish? The raptor is always found near water. The Osprey is often harassed by Bald Eagles for its catch and gives a high-pitched, whistle-like call, often calling in flight as a warning. Mates have a long-term pair bond.

A common winter resident in the Carolinas is the Ring-necked Duck. The bird usually lives in larger freshwater lakes rather than saltwater marshes, in small flocks or just pairs. Watch for this diving duck to dive underwater to forage for food. It is named “Ring-necked” for its cinnamon collar, and due to the white ring on its bill.

So grab Birds of the Carolinas Field Guide for your next birding adventure―to help ensure that you positively identify the many birds that you see.
About the author: Naturalist, wildlife photographer, and writer Stan Tekiela has written more than 175 field guides, nature books, children’s books, wildlife audio CDs, puzzles, and playing cards, presenting many species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, trees, wildflowers, and cacti in the United States. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural History from the University of Minnesota and as an active professional naturalist for more than 25 years, Stan studies and photographs wildlife throughout the United States and Canada. He has received various national and regional awards for his books and photographs.
Also a well-known columnist and radio personality, his syndicated column appears in more than 25 newspapers, and his wildlife programs are broadcast on a number of Midwest radio stations. Stan can be followed on Facebook and Twitter. He can be contacted via www.naturesmart.com.
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