Children’s Books for Long Winter Nights
Reading books to your children must find its way to the top of your “to-do” list. Here are our suggestions for your last-minute Christmas shopping list. Check out these perfect books for long winter nights.
Laugh while you learn about baby animals with Stan Tekiela’s book Whose Baby Butt?. From fuzzy to feathery, baby animal butts are the silliest sights in nature. This hilarious book is the perfect companion to Whose Butt?, an acclaimed picture book by the same award-winning wildlife photographer.

Tweens and teens will love Rock Collecting for Kids, in which Dan R. Lynch, author of many field guides, presents a children’s introduction to our amazing Earth.
Adventure Publications author Christie Berg-Gove thrills readers with true stories of rescue and rehabilitation with her best-sellers Maggie the One-Eyed Peregrine Falcon , Esther the Eaglet, and Greta the Great Horned Owl.

In early 2021, be on the lookout for Goodnight Great Outdoors (March 2021) by Lucas Alberg. Goodnight Great Outdoors is the perfect bedtime story, whether you’re under a roof or under the stars.

Whose House is That? will publish in April 2021. Naturalist and wildlife photographer Stan Tekiela brings exciting tales of critters based on where they live. Kids study a photo of an animal’s house and examine a clue about the creature that built it. Next, turning the page, they discover the answer.

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