The Majesty of Our Eagles

Stan Tekiela, author of Majestic Eagles, shares with us his knowledge and amazing pictures of our national symbol. There are nearly 60 eagle species in the world. Found on every continent except Antarctica, the overwhelming majority occur in the Old World, three species are seen in...

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How Young Wolves Are Raised

Stan Tekiela shares with us his love for wolves in his amazing book The Lives of Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes. Today he talks about how young wolves are raised. Wolves are not so different from our own domestic dogs, and they hold a very special place...

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Great Blue Heron Nesting

In this week’s column, Stan Tekiela discusses the nesting habits of the Great Blue Heron. There’s a large and very common bird that people see on a regular basis, but rarely does anyone see it nesting. The bird is the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias), the largest and...

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