
The Art of Taking Great Photographs of Waterfalls

Lisa Crayford, author of Waterfalls of Minnesota and an accomplished photographer, shares with us her tips for taking great photographs of  waterfalls. Here is a summary of the basics. Tripod: You’ll need a sturdy tripod because you can’t hold a camera sufficiently steady when using slow shutter speeds. Be...

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Photographing the Wild Waterfalls in Spring

Lisa Crayford, author of Waterfalls of Minnesota, thinks that springtime and waterfalls go hand in hand. Here are her suggestions for your next waterfall outing! During this season in northern Minnesota, the snow is melting off the higher elevations. The rivers are flowing with great speed, heading...

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Visiting Winnewissa Falls with Lisa Crayford

Join Lisa Crayford, author of Waterfalls of Minnesota, on a journey to Winnewissa Falls. Winnewissa Falls is situated amid the pipestone quarries at Pipestone National Monument. The falls, along with the surrounding quarries, are considered sacred by many American Indians. Our journey to Winnewissa Falls began on a rainy Saturday morning in June. With umbrellas...

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